All Saints Church


All Saints Church is a Grade 2 listed building, standing prominently on a hill, immediately alongside the A170 Pickering to Scarborough road, and overlooking the picturesque village of Thornton Dale.


 The present building, largely 14th century, is unusual in that, apart from the chancel, the main body of the Church is completely of that period known as the 'decorated' style of architecture. The chancel was completely rebuilt in 1865/6.


The church is open in the hours of daylight and you are welcome to visit look and pray.



The church and its people are there to give praise to God and to help each other explore and learn about the Christian faith and its meaning for their lives. It is also there to serve the whole community - encouraging us all to live in a truly humane way and caring for those in need.



The church is lead by the Rector, Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council assisted by some retired clergy and lay members of the congregation.


People, Groups and Activities

  • There are about 130 people on our electoral roll (i.e. members who can elect the PCC). There are a number of Groups within the congregation.
  • The Choir lead the singing in worship led by the organist and choir master.
  • The Pastoral Group take communion to people confined to their homes and at the Hall Residential Home and visit the sick at home and in hospital.
  • The Mothers Union hold monthly meetings some social some for prayer and learning and support marriage and family life.
  • During the year, especially within Advent and Lent, there are groups within the Benefice that meet during the week for study and prayer.  All are welcome..


Everybody is very welcome to any of the services, details of which can be found below as well as on the notice board in the church porch, or the churchwarden can be contacted on: 01751 476709.


Sunday Services 4 Week Plan


The five churches in the Benefice have recently agreed a regular Monthly Plan for Sunday services which is shown below.  However, there are often ‘extra’ special services such as the Annual Pet Service, or Service of Blessing and Remembrance, so please also refer to the monthly service rota:

September 2019 service poster for Churches 




Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4



9.15 BCP Communion


4.30pm Evensong with hymns


Evensong 6.30pm in summer and 3pm in winter



8 BCP Communion



9.15 CW Communion



Evensong 3pm all year


Thornton Dale

11 CW Communion

11 CW Communion



11 CW Communion



Evensong 6.30

11 CW Communion

Quarterly Evening service of Healing

BCP           =                 Book of Common Prayer               

CW             =                 Common Worship 

Lively          =                 A 30 minute Word service particularly suitable for children of all ages


There is ALSO weekday worship as follows:

Wednesdays 10:00 am Holy Communion Common Worship at All Saints’ Church, Thornton Dale every week




To arrange a Baptism, Wedding, or a Funeral, please contact the Churchwarden or the Rector.


Flower Festival June 2016

In June 2016 we held a very succcessful Flower Festival. Click here to see photographs of this superb event.


Are you thinking of getting Married or having a Service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child? If so please go to the Benefice Page for more information.

All Saints Church logo


Business name:
All Saints Church


Contact person:

Revd Sally Gough



Church Lane
YO18 7QW


Phone: 01751 474244



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