Would you like to improve your posture, strength, balance and stability?
Fitness Pilates uses core muscles to perform functional exercise in standing, seated and lying down positions. Our classes are designed to suit all ages, fitness levels and physiques. You will find a friendly group atmosphere, where you can do as much as you are able.
- You do not need special equipment or clothing.
- All you need is to wear loose clothing (e.g. track suit bottoms and T shirt). You do not need shoes as Pilates is done in bare feet or wearing socks.
- A small floor mat is needed and these are provided free of charge (or you can buy your own at a modest price).
- You can join the classes at any time. Just come along and join in.
- Fitness Pilates
- Unite - a feel good blend of Pilates, Yoga and body conditioning, with great music to inspire mind and body
- Pilates for Blokes. Did you know that Joseph Pilates developed his exercise programme to help to rehabilitate injured soldiers? Also footballers such as Ryan Giggs use Pilates as basis for their training. Pilates for Blokes develops your core strength, flexibility and a strong back.
If you would like more information, please send an email via the form below or contact me on 01751 472098 or 07979906577.
Many thanks and I look forward to welcoming you at our classes.
Wendy Harding

Business name:
Contact person:
Wendy Harding
Phone: 01751 472098
Mobile: 07979906577